School Speak FAQ
What is SchoolSpeak, and what do we use it for?
SchoolSpeak is your window to your school. You can see announcements and calendars, your child’s daily homework, progress reports and report cards. As parents, you need to know what is happening in your school and need to be able to access that information at any time.
SchoolSpeak is a portal for parent and student activity for the whole campus. As a member, you can look up specific details about your student’s classroom and grade reports. You can also lookup general school information such as calendar, volunteer hour opportunities and lunch order details. Additionally, you can download important forms, sign up for events and volunteer jobs, and you can place orders for student lunch accounts.
Resources Available on SchoolSpeak
General Announcements
Auction Information & Forms
School Calendar
Chrysalis Trip Information
Enrollment Contract
Share Hour Sign-Ups & Submission
Extended Care Information
FACTS Account Access
Family Directory
Jogathon Details
Lunch Orders
Parent Resources
Uniform Exchange Information
Spirit Store Orders
STAPA Board Information
Spring Musical Information
Classroom Calendar & Announcements
Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-Ups
Homework Updates
Student Grade & Progress Reports